Moment Sacré

A series of sacred moments.


When Valérie of Moment Sacré contacted us to create a video in honour of their one-year anniversary, she wasn’t yet sure of the approach she wanted to take, but she did insist on one thing: putting a spotlight on the womb as our universal entry to this Earth and highlighting the connection between the womb and our shared home, the Earth.

To truly wrap our head around the approach to take for this project, we had to go visit Moment Sacré’s brick and mortar boutique and workshop space in the Plateau neighborhood of Montreal.

What first struck us was how men feel comfortable to enter the shop and inquire about what their loved ones are going through: menstruation, ovulation, fertility, sexuality, birth and aging. We live in a time where there is still shame about openly sharing these feminine experiences and the wisdom surrounding them. But Moment Sacré is changing that by rendering education more accessible, so we can all grow in our knowledge of the feminine and relate to one another through the universality of the womb.

Creatively, we set out to present a series of relatable moments that invite us to celebrate the sacredness of Life. A classic and natural visual approach, a poetic script intimately delivered by the founder Valérie Couture-Phelps, a musical anthem provided to us by international musician —

A powerful transmission we hope will touch many hearts.


To embrace the feminine is to bring balance and harmony from the womb to the couple, the family, and the whole village.

— Liana Carbone

Client: Moment Sacré

Script & Director: Liana Carbone

DOP: Andrew Main Oster & Anthony Liscio

Editor: Anthony Liscio

Producer: Alessia Pizzanelli

Music: “Hymn to the Soul” — Laor

Special thanks to: Valhalla Farms


Air Canada


Bien-Être Inspiré